I am currently a councilor-elect for the Los Alamos County Council. I will officially take office on January 1, 2005.

Position papers will be added to this web site but, in the meantime, please see articles in the Los Alamos Monitor concerning my position on some of the local issues:

       Sunday, September 12, 2004                  .

       Tuesday, September 14, 2004                

To see my campaign brochure, click here.

To see my answers to The Majure Report questionnaire, click here.

To see my answers to the Albuquerque Journal North, click here.

To see my answers to the League of Women Voters, click here.

Text Box: Thank you for your support in the November 2, 2004, election. 

I look forward to serving you on the Los Alamos County Council.
Ken Milder's candidate photograph.

About Me

Phone: 505-662-6052

E-mail: ken@milder.us

To contact me:

Welcome to the web site of Ken Milder

For all questions in one PDF document, click here.